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Kindly note that neither the owner/s of the domain of Our Lawyer Pty Ltd, nor the creators and administrators of the contents of www.telelaw.co.za, and all the pages linked to it, take responsibility for the contents found, and items downloaded.
Our website has now enabled the purchasing of online products such as Divorces, Child Maintenance, Domestic Violence, Wills Drafting, Contract Drafting and much more! Purchase any online product and score a discount on a consultation thereafter.
Whereas every effort is made to maintain the contents of www.ourlawyer.co.za and the pages connected to it, up-to-date, and in a reliable state, neither the owner/s or Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd, nor the creators of www.ourlawyer.co.za and all the pages linked to it, take responsibility for any loss or damage caused or inconvenience suffered due to the reliance of any section or link found on this website, or item downloaded.
Therefore, neither the owners or Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd, nor the creators of www.ourlawyer.co.za and all the pages link to it, shall be liable to whomsoever who may have sustained any loss or damage of any kind as a result of having relied to his / her detriment upon any of the information contain in www.ourlawyer.co.za and all the pages linked to it, or items downloaded from it, or at any other site electronically linked to it.
Terms and Conditions
Please note that the prices or costs of a service offered by Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd is not necessary the price reflected on this website. The actual costs for a service by Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd may be more than stated on this web site and the website may not have been update in that regard.
Therefore, prices for services by Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd are subject to change without a change on this website. You are expected to ascertain the price of a service with Our Lawyer (Pty) Ltd directly through contacting them and not through reliance on prices on this website.
Products/services such as Child Maintenance, Divorces, Wills Drafting/Contract Drafting , Maintenance Court Coaching, etc, provided by Our Lawyer, can now be purchased online. Thereafter, the client will receive a discount on a consultation after purchasing the product.